You can use this Eco-friendly glow in the dark luminescent glass mosaic pool tile for your pool, with a unique glowing design for pools. This effect of glowing in the dark is created with a gel coat that will cover the surface of the pool. It can be used over the whole pool surface or just as an accent style in certain areas.
A glow in the dark styled pool gives your night swims a soft glow that is quite unique and interesting. The pools are treated with a substance known as a gel coat that provides unique luminescence once the sun has gone down. This glas mosaic may be used over the whole pool, or just on entry and exit areas.
You do not need any electricity to illuminate your glass mosaic in your pool. It stores energy in a chemical manner during daylight hours, and releases it at night, giving your pool a twilight experience
In the light
In the dark
Eco-friendly Glow in the dark glass mosaic pool tile makes luminescent tiles that absorb the daytime light and then give off a glow for 6 to 8 hours. One swimming pool looked different at day and night.
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