Mirror Glass Backsplash Tile-- Change Your Home, Change Your Lifestyle
It is always a wise choice to brighten up your interior space with our bright mirror glass tiles.
Suitable for bathroom, swimming pool, backsplash decoration.
Diamond cutting process make our product refract light to exhibit color change and image refracting visual effect.If you want to surround yourself with an original interior - mirror mosaic what you need The disco-ball trend is coming in all shapes and sizes from sparkly accessories to home decor accents. Mirror mosaic is suitable for various construction and high-end decoration. Mirror mosaic can decorate the walls, ceiling and interior decorations, decoupage or art collage. Ideal for stained glass and mosaic projects You can make a table lamp: If you cover the inside of the lampshade mirror mosaic of reflective glass resulting in an explosion of light and a dramatic shadow that will brighten up any room.
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